
Sunday 16 December 2012

Generic Introductory Welcome Post


Hello and welcome to my new blog. I've been thinking about creating a blog like this, aside from the two tumblrs I have, to really showcase my fashion sense and document my life and how i struggle to realise my dreams.

For the past 6 years I have had a deeply rooted interest and affinity with gothic & punk lolita and the visual kei syle- both hailing from Japan. In these clothes, wigs and accessories I feel the most comfortable with who  I am though to many my appearance borders on bizarre. Even since I was little (I mean young since I am still little now ¬.¬" ) fashion has been a huge influence in my life and I always knew that I wanted to bring others the joy that dressing how you want to can bring and so when I discovered these fashions my soul was sold and my dreams were cemented.

I studied fashion design and manufacturing at university for just over a year (for personal reasons I had to leave the course) and it was here I knew that having my own lolita & visual kei brand was my calling.

So, here it is. My own kind of fashion blog for my own kind of fashion. Hope you enjoy.

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