That cake was very good though....

Yes, unfortunately this is the best photo i have of my outfit right now... A girl took my photo outside but it still hasnt been put online ^^' So you have to deal with this amusing photo of me and model Chokelate who was a giant compared to me. Actually she was sat very close to me and was also at the dinner the night before so we got to chat a little which greatly improved the impression i'd had of her before ^^'
Photo thanks to Michaela :)

Today outfit was again, handmade! Originally i wanted quite and OTT gothic outfit but i don't think i made it into the OTT category honestly. However I'm still really with how it came out! It was a classic flared fit with chiffon 'damaged effect' ruffles down the sides and back. Melting and and making the ruffles was actually the most time consuming part of making this. To create the effect i had to melt approximately 10m of chiffon strips so i was stood over a little flame for a long time :( It was pretty fun though lol

With the tea party over after only a couple of hours we all parted ways back into the holes whence we came :'( I got to hang out with a few of my local group again before I headed to Kings Cross to get the train home. About which i have a little story~
Since the train home was quite late I stopped in a resteraunt/ cafe at Kings Cross station for some food. Whilst sat eating, two Japanese girls walked past and stopped in front of me and exclaimed 'Kawaii' very loudly! Actually i was very surprised but very happy. This is the first time something like that has happened to me since normally when i walk past a Japanese person in lolita they have no clue or show no reaction to it. It was quite a big compliment to me i suppose...
After food i went and sat on the floor in front of the boards and was attracting a lot of attention, more than normal even since the bonnet was a bit more 'out there' than a regular lolita outfit. Anyway i boarded the train and sat with a family for a portion of my journey home. I always enjoy travelling in Lolita to see peoples reactions. Often theres a look from everyone on the train that seems like i'm an 'elephant in the room' sort of topic. Seeing peoples confliction over wanting to say something but not wanting to be rude is quite amusing! And when you're on a long train jouney it can be pretty boring. Once the train had emptied I took a few photos ^^'
Well, I think that's everything, guys. I had a fabulous weekend and didn't want it to be over, but life goes on, doesn't it? Le sigh... I guess I'll see you next time~
P.S How many of you are regular readers? I only have 3 followers on here but i still get quite a lot of hits these days and i'm nosy. Please comment if you read this blog and how you found me :)
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